القائمة الرئيسية


You can now use Google Duo without your phone number

One of the services that have been developing faster in recent months is Google Duo. Even before the Coronary Virus Crisis, it was an excellent app for making video calls, and since we are limited to many, it has become a staple app.

Google Duo is great for its simplicity, but it does have some aspects and one of the most important ones is the need to use a phone number, but what if you want to use the app without a phone number? What if you want to talk to people you prefer not to give your phone number to? Now it is possible.
In recent hours, Google Duo has been updated to version 87, a version that includes the ability to use your email so that other Google users can contact you. This feature is especially useful for being able to make video calls with other people who are not interested in knowing your phone number.
To access this option, we need to update the app to the latest version. Once updated, a notification will appear indicating that from now on, you can contact using the Google email associated with our Duo account (usually the main Google account on your mobile phone).

From this very moment, when you go to search for contacts in Duo, not only phone numbers will appear, but Duo users that you have as email contacts. You can also invite them via emails to use Duo.

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